Cacao Ceremony

Since I was a young child, I was intensely attracted to chocolate, known as the plant-spirit Cacao. Yet it was during my lengthy travels to Costa Rica, as an adult, in being initiated as a cacao priestess & ceremony singer, a deeper understanding and connection began to unfold.

A cacao ceremony is a ritualistic experience for the purpose of communion. Typically, a chocolate drink is prepared well ahead of the ceremony start time, though it depends on how many participants there are. The brew is made lovingly with quality ingredients. Your experience will be facilitated with intentions/prayers, live singing and/or instrumentation.
Many do not realize that chocolate is a medicinal plant. Our ancestors used cacao ritualistically and ceremonially to help with wisdom, fertility, healing, and more. Alexandrina is available as your cacao priestess for individuals and groups. Please contact for more information and pricing. Ceremony length of time varies but can be as short as 30 minutes for one-on-one experiences and up to 3 hours for groups.

Please Contact for Booking or Questions.

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